A historical retrospective from 2.26.09:
Tonight I am in my office while Miss 8-i-TUDE stomps around upstairs. She’s crying because she procrastinated away all of the three-day-weekend and still has a mountain of homework. And it’s bedtime.
Being my usual, selfless self, I’ve generously left the hubby to fend for himself. That’s why he’s so devoted to me. Times get rough and I run for the hills. Fickle. Just the way he likes me.
The past few days really have been doable. Except for the fact that I made the rash decision to go out with TRPL TRBL and hubby to see a band Friday night. In true college fashion, we didn’t depart until after 9 —TT’s mom driving us there like we were teenagers going to the mall. Got to the Fox Theatre and started pounding beers and vodka tonics. T-Rocks came along for the ride, being a diehard music fan himself. My hubby and his wifey —both dyed-in-the-wool homebodies— were happy (eager in fact) to make the sacrifice and stay home. Be in bed at a decent hour and such. And it was all just so fun and spontaneous. Plus, the band guy (who I later figured out with T-Rocks’ help was Karl Denson of Lenny Kravitz fame) was good friends with David. And since it was six months ago to the day that a curve on Angeles Crest claimed him, it was only fitting that we go out and celebrate in his honor. We took this very seriously and hung out backstage with the band and the whole bit until 3:30 a.m. I can only imagine that David was watching and just shaking his head at the old, drunken fogies trying to do his memory justice. I so miss him.
And in other bad news, a friend just found out he has Stage 4 brain cancer. It’s just been one of those weeks. Seriously.
The upsides of the week consisted of a fun pre-Miss 8-i-TUDE b-day with Monday off and a day with the fam. We had some of those smiles finally and spent the day going to brunch at the most favorite restaurant in the world and walking Boulder from one end to the other. After a slight snafu in which Miss 8-i-TUDE pitched a small fit over a coveted pair of silver sneakers, the day was actually really, really fun.
Then on Tuesday (the b-day for real) we took in cupcakes to her class and went back to sign her out for lunch at the local sandwich shop. Nanners came over and J-Zee provided us with a little spa evening. Cupcakes and Cuticles. The girls loved being pampered and even the hubby joined in the fun.
The rest of the week went. Just went. Then it was Friday and I was crying all over the place before I hit the Fox (and the skids). I couldn’t move on Saturday and it was my own damn fault. I don’t think I’ve done that in like 10 years. And my body insists that I must not ever do it again.
I saw a license plate today that was fitting: UPNATEM. So, today I’m trying to de-fog and catch up in general. Tomorrow it’s back to client meetings and paperwork and invoicing and trying to figure out what’s what. I’d still really love to crawl into bed and stay there for a while. Or better yet —hop that jet to the beach. But, if nothing else, this past week has taught me that I really need to kwicherbitchin and get on with it. One day you’re here and bitching, the next day you’re rounding a curve. And you never know what might be crossing that center line.
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