
We're only buggin'

This past week progressed at its regular rapid/vapid pace. The b-partner still on vaca, but now on more of a stay-ca, therefore available if and when needed. But I made do. Even took on an ‘emergency’ HTML/event invite project. You know, one of those life-or-death/has-to-happen-yesterday marketing events. I’m sure the whole world could stop if the invites for a Bonnie Raitt concert don’t get distributed more than three weeks ahead —couldn’t it? So it happened. That and web copy. More and more and more web copy than I can keep track of any more. But there were blissfully no meetings. So there.

The pace was manageable (for once). Which is why there were no bitch sessions issuing forth from SoBo Classifieds. Then, suddenly, it was Thursday. And the hubby and I had a date night. We strolled off —hand-in-hand— to apps and drinks at the nicer neighborhood watering hole. It was a fun evening. Tequila gimlets, shrimp ceviche, guac, homemade chips with blue cheese, calamari strips...all apps and all good. The evening ended with a walk home and a quick stop off at the neighbor’s for a glass of vino and some catch up convo. It was a great date. Then, all of a sudden, it was 3:30 am and I was flat on the bathroom floor. Sick. Puking. Not happy. The hubby was amused, thinking I’d had one too many. That was until he got up a couple of hours later and, next thing you know, was flat on the bathroom floor. Sick. Puking. (Ha.)

We drug ourselves through Friday and the motions of getting Miss 6:7 out of the door to camp, along with her friend whose mom dropped her off early (then saw my face and felt completely awful. I assured her it’s all good. What can you do? You have kids. You’re sick but you don’t get to be.) The hubby e-mailed in to work to explain our particular catastrophe. And proceeded to write Powerpoint slides between trips to the porcelain throne.

Our housecleaner showed up and worked around us. Bean (thankfully) took two naps so we could too. I seriously didn’t feel back to myself until my run this morning. And even then, I still felt a little queasy. So who’s to say what the particular cause of this malady was. All I know is that, as sick as I was, I still didn’t lose any weight and, well, that just pisses me off.

As a result of the illness and pukiness, we had a really mellow weekend. We went to Boulder Running Co to buy shoes for Miss 6:7 (whose old shoes were a full size too small and she’d been playing tennis in them at camp all week) and the hubby (who has been suffering in silence with plantar fasciitis). They got on the treadmill so the girl could watch their stride. And they both have this identical foot turn in on the same left foot. Weird. I entertained bean during this whole excursion by letting her try on men’s Chaco flip-flops. Whatever works.

I was also on a big hunt for replacement running shorts. I am down to one tried-and-true pair that are my favs. And to my complete frustration, was able to determine that The North Face no longer makes them. Damn.

We decided to brave eating out again and headed to Pupusas Sabor Hispano to try out some Salvadorian fare. It was awesome and the girls loved the horchata. And, to our delight, it all stayed where it was meant to...in ma’ belly.

I also spent what felt like hours, trying to network our house. We’re wireless and all that —but I was hell-bent on getting our AirTunes working the way god (aka Steve Jobs) created it. After bringing the whole thing down twice, tweaking security options so TiVo still works, and resetting both Airport hardware pieces TWICE...success! I can now surf the web AND listen to tunes wirelessly on my stereo! And I’m SO happy about that! (I’m such a geek...)

Now it’s back to work. And life. And website writing. As long as I can stay upright with designated food staying in the designated spot. Life is good indeed-y.

TODAY’S THEME SONG: I’m Yours. Jason Mraz. ...there’s no need to complicate, ‘cause our time is short...this is our fate...

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