

So here you have it, our precinct getting out the vote. This is the first time I've ever participated in a caucus. And since we're in Colorado, I thought maybe it would involve a high noon gunslinger or something. But no. Civility ruled. (Well, sort of.) Thanks to newly minted delegate, T Rocks, I have some footage of this groundbreaking event. (I ran for Obama delegate too, but our precinct decided to fill two of the five slots with the two men standing and left the women to fend for themselves. I decided not to take on these seasoned women who successively announced their "27 years of service" or "1 year with Barack" already. They scared me, so it was swift and I quickly admitted defeat. I know when I'm a loser.) I should note that our super site precinct had about 873 people turn out last night. Last election, there were 88 people. Oh. Obama. (At least he took Colorado!)

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